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Atlanta's coolest offices: Uzun & Case (SLIDESHOW)

 –  Editor-in-chief, Atlanta Business Chronicle


Americans love to show off their offices.

How we design office space can say a lot about our corporate culture, from the Fortune 100 giants all the way to the newest startups.

Even in an era when employees are spending more time working on their laptops than at their desks, the office remains an important tool for companies to recruit and retain talent.

To showcase all the creativity being poured into the design and build-out of these spaces, Atlanta Business Chronicle is going to feature the region’s coolest offices. And, we welcome new submissions. Please send your nominations to

First up, Uzun & Case Engineers, which moved into its new offices at Midtown's Promenade tower earlier this year. Cooper Carry Inc. designed the Uzun & Case offices. Click the photo to the right for a slideshow.