Most Admired CEOs: Kristine Fortman brings heart to her role as CEO of MHIF

Kris Fortman, Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation
Kristine Fortman is CEO of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation and a 2023 Most Admired CEO.
Nancy Kuehn | MSPBJ
By Rachel Keranen – Contributing writer

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Since Kristine Fortman was appointed CEO of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation in 2015, she has led the organization through significant growth and a reckoning on what it means to be a good neighbor.

Since Kristine Fortman was appointed CEO of the Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation in 2015, she has led the organization through significant growth and a reckoning on what it means to be a good neighbor.

MHIF, which seeks to improve cardiovascular health through research and education, had $17 million in revenue in 2022, compared to $10.7 million in 2016. Also, the foundation more than doubled its scientific research output in the same period, from 125 publications to 273. Results from two clinical trials, one on tricuspid regurgitation and another on heart transplantation outcomes in donation after circulatory death, were published this year in the New England Journal of Medicine.

In 2018, MHIF launched a cardiovascular imaging research center that provides training and serves as a core lab for challenging cases. The foundation also doubled to tripled participation in educational events during the pandemic after going virtual, Fortman said.

The murder of George Floyd in 2020, which happened blocks from the foundation’s office, prompted an organizational self-assessment of its role in the community.

“Does our mission and vision serve all people? It should. It’s meant to,” Fortman said. Still, she added, “More individuals of color die of cardiovascular disease. There is work to do.”

The foundation held town halls and listening sessions. It started a club that reads journal articles on health equity and assesses its own initiatives. Leaders reviewed their recruitment practices up to the board level. They turned toward an organizational strength, research, to find ways to build trust and participation in clinical research among underrepresented groups.

As MHIF's leader, Fortman focuses on her team and positively influencing people, a philosophy she has held since her camp counselor days. Time has grown her confidence, “balanced with humility,” she said, and 10 years at Medtronic helped prepare her for her current role.

“I did a lot of my professional growing up in Medtronic and brought a lot of that disciplined approach to this organization,” she said.

Looking forward, Fortman anticipates building data-sharing consortiums to accelerate research and expanding on the foundation’s imaging expertise. She also remains focused on the foundation’s role in the community and population health.

“We know that health comes not only from receiving a treatment, but living in a low-stress environment, in a safe environment, and not in a food desert,” she said. “Everybody’s perspective of what cardiovascular health means has really broadened.”

Outside of MHIF, Fortman serves as board secretary for the American Red Cross Minnesota and Dakotas Region. She also is on the the Abbott Northwestern Hospital advisory board.

More about me

Favorite local restaurant for a business lunch: Fika Café at the American Swedish Institute. It is right in the Phillips neighborhood — historic, beautiful, delicious and there is plenty of free parking!

A distinguishing moment in my time as CEO: For me, a defining moment was hearing our founder Dr. Robert Van Tassel speak to our new class of research interns, telling them he couldn’t be more proud of the progress and commitment of the MHIF leadership and the entire team in carrying forward the original vision — to create a world without heart and vascular disease. I am grateful to work at an organization that brings this level of pride and inspiration every day because of our patients, team and mission.

A guiding philosophy I lead by: Every person matters.

When faced with a tough business decision, I: Pull in my fabulous executive leadership team.

Advice I would give a new boss: I believe it is important to listen, observe and learn, because it brings the appropriate level of humility and honors the reality that you are as strong as the team that surrounds you.

What I've recently crossed off my bucket list: Hiking the Highline Trail at Glacier National Park with my family

And what's left on the list: Hiking the Cinque Terre, Italy coastal trail. I truly believe the best way to see and appreciate places is by foot! Nothing passes by too quickly. You see it, feel it and breathe it in.

My favorite, or theme, song: "This Is Me," from "The Greatest Showman"

Fast facts

  • Age: 54
  • Years with company and as CEO: 8
  • Alma maters: College of St. Benedict, Washington State University
  • Family: Husband, Mark; sons, Chase (23), Cole (21) and Calvin (19)
  • Hobbies: Hiking, yoga, travel, reading, cooking, “cabining”
  • Boards and committees: Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation board; American Red Cross Minnesota and Dakotas Region board secretary and Service to the Armed Forces (veteran services, reuniting families); Abbott Northwestern Hospital advisory board
  • Employees at your organization: 103

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